Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cupola In Place

We experienced a great joy on Wednesday, November 5th, a joy shared by all who love Christ and His Church. A crane lifted our large cupola and placed it on top of our new building under construction, with the sun lighting up the golden cross as it made its way to the top of the roof.

Our building has been underway since this summer, with the hopes to have ourr first service at the site for the Nativity of our Lord. The volunteer labor for this building project has been massive for this small parish that has about 70 worshipers each Sunday. Fifteen to twenty volunteers typically work every Saturday, in addition to smaller teams that come out during the week.

Our parish committed to a "bare bones" structure, based on the financial realities and created a substantial "wish list" (which included the large cupolas and three smaller ones). Many of the wish list items have been paid for, and the journey of generosity and hard work continues for this young parish.

"It is our prayer that many more will 'come home' to Christ and His Church here in the Bozeman area", says Fr. David Morrison. "That we will have more space soon, and a beautiful place to worship and grow, is truly a gift from our God."

The parish looks forward to having His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin with them for the Feast of St. Anthony on Saturday, January 17, 2015--it will truly be a celebration of all God is doing in Montana, through prayers of St. Anthony and all the saints. All are invited to celebrate with us!